Monday, August 17, 2009

The picture is taken in conference, International Association of Buddhist Universities (IABU). Thousands of people from around the world gathered in this great event to make it into success. The conference was held in Wanno, Ayutthaya New Campus, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University. The campus is newly built and the students of Bachelor degree of Arts, 1st year, 2nd year, Master degree were moved to stay and study there. The university provides good facilities for the monks students and lay students. Every Monday to Friday morning, there were university own buses to take the students, lecturers, officials and staffs to Wannoi, New Campus. The students enjoy quiet alot there for, the environments, and good atmosphere give them a kind of relaxation, inpirations compared to MCU in Wat Mahathat, Taphrachan, Bangkok.